Saturday, November 7, 2009

Post-mortem, or SHAAAAAME

Well, quite a bit shy of 50, but tell you what gang, this was a swell yearlong project if only for keeping me focused on some "pleasure" reading in the midst of rehearsals, for-pay scriptreading, and the numbercrunching of an average day. Nice to keep a little pressure on an arena that I've always loved more than the things I Have To Do. SO! No grand promises or designs on hitting the mark this next year, but hells YES, I will give it another shot! And hey, I'm already two books in! (After a month of rehearsing a show while running another show, I'm almost overwhelmed by the sense of free time that comes with only doing one thing at a time.) So bring it on, my friends. And keep giving me sweet, sweet titles to add to the "yet to come" stack. I'd do summaries like all you clever cats, but I'm DONE with the shame of the past! On to the future! To glory! Et cetera!

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