Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Has Pat Even Ever READ Ten Books?

Hey gang!
Wow, fifty books! This is going to go to some really dark places really quickly, especially if I follow through on my threat to Josh that I would start with Gravity's Rainbow and Infinite Jest right out the gate. As the person most likely to flunk out of the experiment (predicted excuse: "But I have to read all of these mediocre plays I always complain about!") I figured I'd be prompt and a little bit predictable on the Ten Books Worth Reading game. Here they be, largely ripped off from my Favorite Books authors on Facebook, scrubbed of scripts and comic books and (shudder) poetry:

1. CivilWarLand in Bad Decline (George Saunders) Hey, my favorite current author!
2. American Tabloid (James Ellroy) Frenetically stylized mobland novel that veers into JFK! Great!
3. Midnight's Children (Salman Rushdie) Isn't his ex-wife on Top Chef??
4. The Master and Margarita (Mikhail Bulgakov) Satan comes to Moscow! Wackiness ensues! Finally, somebody's willing to satirize the USSR!
5. Gates of Eden (Ethan Coen) A desperate attempt to buy this list some offbeat cred!
6. Then We Came To The End (Joshua Ferris) Chicago! Um, recent novels?
7. Right Ho, Jeeves (P.G. Wodehouse) It's the silliest writing possible!
8. The Crying of Lot 49 (Thomas Pynchon) Superb Pynchon, at a fraction of the investment of Gravity's Rainbow!
9. Amusing Ourselves to Death (Neil Postman) Hey, an anti-TV screed! THAT should amuse this (presumably) pro-book crowd!
10. Lolita (Vladimir Nabokov) OK, OK, it's maybe the most cliched thing I could put here, but c'mon, guys, it's still a Pretty Great Book!

Also, before I sign off, I'd like to point out that the Modern Library's Top 100 lists (which I checked to see if there was anything I [a] should have listed, and [b] wouldn't have felt overly pretentious or annoying about listing) have a "voted by our readers" list that is JAM-PACKED with Scientology books. All I'm saying is, it'd be a pretty easy way to blow through two or three months of this project, EASY!

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