Friday, January 1, 2010

Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer

Or "Only JSF Could Manage To Turn A Non-Fiction, Self-Reflective Evaluation of One's Individual Relationship With The Meat Industry Into a Multi-Narrator Literary Feast."

So I'm gonna be real honest here.

First Truth:
In his introduction, Foer writes "This book objective as any work of journalism can be." I call bullshit. This book is bias bias bias bias, which I wouldn't have minded at all except that he set me up to expect something objective, which was not the case.

Second Truth:
Eating Animals is uber preachy, including but not limited to the use of one of my FAVORITE (and I use that word in a sarcastic and an unsarcastic way, simultaneously) devices, the comparison of one's personal crusade against whatever it is that one is crusading against to Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

Third Truth:
Foer relies on a lot of bleeding-heart tactics that don't really fly with me. I mean, I'm as anti-animal clubing as the next guy, but it's gonna take a lot more than talking about hurting a cow's feelings to get me to stop eating steak. I'm much more interested in the ecological and nutritional effects of factory farming/meat eating. Foer definitely explores this aspect as well, and that is where Eating Animals is the most compelling.

Fourth Truth:
I liked Eating Animals more than I liked Everything Is Illuminated.

Fifth Truth:
In spite of all its flaws, Eating Animals definitely does its job. Foer asks all the tough questions, and even though I arrived there via a very different route than he did, I don't eat meat anymore. Thanks a lot, Johnny Boy.


Andy said...

Oy. This makes me extremely not excited to read this book...

Julie Ritchey said...

In your own words...

(I love you Jonathan Safran Foer, but I can't have you crawling into my brain and convincing me with your flowery language why eating turkey sandwiches is not what I should be doing in any given moment of the day. I'm sorry. I really am.)

And just a warning...

The bits about poultry are particularly wretched. Turkeys especially. It would no doubt ruin your turkey sandwich experience. I would argue, however, that it's an experience worth ruining.

Andy said...

That was a real 2009 kind of comment for me to make. I'm WAY more into sliced chicken these days.

Julie Ritchey said...

Well enjoy that love affair with sliced chicken while it lasts... Just sayin'...

Josh said...

You know what's great? Eating dead animals. You know what's less great? Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. Victory goes to the carnivores.

Andy said...

Lesser. You trash my books, I'll trash that bearded face.