Thursday, December 11, 2008

WAY MORE confessions of a Shopaholic

The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne by Brian Moore

So you know all those novels that are so popular nowadays? The ones that focus around the life of a single young socialite who has no job and no money but still manages to spend that non-existent money on clothes and drinks and clothes and plane tickets to exotic locales all while looking for Mr. Right but not ignoring the opportunity to spice things up with Mr. Right-Now?

I like to think of this book as the chance to check in on that same socialite in her late forties. She's still single, she still has no job and no money, but all those cosmopolitans and white-wine spritzers have taken their toll and, in all honesty, have become more of a trusted companion rather than something to toss back at the Palms. On top of all that, her looks have taken a serious turn and she's developed a deep-seeded love of the Christian God. The antics we so loved in Shopaholic et. al now seem desperate and, frankly, downright sad and Mr. Right has transformed from the tall, handsome man, clad in his Italian suit and matching sportscar to a middle-aged rapist with a penchant for the young....

All in all, this is actually a pretty fantastic book. It's an interesting look into the life of a middle-aged woman who is universally plain. Really beautifully written and, at times, truly heartbreaking. Don't let the dime-store title fool you, give it a read. 7/10

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