Monday, December 1, 2008

Black Swan Green ~ David Mitchell

What a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful book.

I just finished Black Swan Green mere moments ago, and am feeling somewhat overwhelmed by the flood of thirteen-year-old memories that has just been unleashed in my head: first kisses, school dances, what it's like to have the house all to yourself for a day and a night, the awkwardness of shaving your upper-lip hair for the first time. And even though I didn't grow up in England, nor have I attended the county goose fair or taken an "ace" crap in the woods, I felt such a unique connection with this stammering, creative, lonely narrator. He sent me back to my own childhood in a way that I thoroughly, thoroughly enjoyed.

I don't think I need to write too much more about this book, as it's already been reviewed by Julie M. Ritchey, and critically acclaimed as one of his ten favorites by Mr. Josh Lesser. But, I'd just like to reaffirm the praise by giving some of my own: yes yes yes yes yes. Please do yourself a favor and add this to your queue list.

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