Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the West OR The One Where they Scalp and Rob all the Indians only to be Scalped and Robbed by Cormac McCarthy

I took Zeke's advice and read Blood Meridian. Holy sweet Jesus, this was one of the best books I've ever read! I cannot describe to you to what measure Cormac McCarthy has mastered the English language. Every single simile (and there are thousands) is like manna from heaven. (By the way, I realize that I just used a simile to describe his similes.... doesn't compare)
On top of it just being awesome, this is, most likely, the bloodiest, non-holocaust related book I've ever read. It features mass-scalpings, and mass-raping of the scalped, mass sodomy, mass mid-sodomy scalping, and one particularly bloody instance of a tree festooned with bloody infant caracasses.
I also had the pleasure of listening to this book as a book on tape. Allow me to regale you with a tale:
As I listened to this book, I kept thinking: "This book is amazing, the prose is incredible, but I'm having a bit of trouble keeping up with the plot!" And I was! People would die and then reappear, characters that I had just met were instantly assassinated only to reappear later on...

...It was then that I realized that I had been listening to the book on shuffle...

And by "it was then" I mean "five hours later."
That being said..... 10/10

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