Saturday, August 8, 2009

There are two kinds of people in the world: those who divide everything in two, and those who don't

This, guys, might be the book for those of you curious about graphic novels but a little gun-shy about the world of superheroes, the dense cross-referencing of Sandman or Watchmen, and not sure of where to start on some of the alt-comics (Crumb, Pekar, etc.) scene. It's lean, beautifully economical, incredibly readable (I think I read it in about a day and a half, in transit and pockets of spare time) but I suspect there's a lot of hidden depth here -- the NY Times review makes reference to a color scheme that I'd not paid much attention to that serves as about as good an example as any of how comics can communicate in ways unmatched by any other medium.

Anyways, all this to say it's elegant, it's dizzyingly smart, it's self-contained, it's beautiful. And it's narrated by the dead-at-birth identical twin of the main character. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE? Read it!

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