Friday, January 2, 2009

I hate Pat so much that I read a self-help book

Seriously, I don't know Pat, but I wanted to keep up with the Jones.

This is the book based on Randy Pausch's last lecture, an internet bombshell that I assume all have watched.

Usually, I'm not a big self-help book fan, because the advice tends to be banal, predictable, and rehashed versions of last year's self-help book.

This is no difference, except that Randy deserves some extra slack for his positive attitude while suffering through his terminal pancreatic cancer, which ultimately took his life. He also adds some new twists on old ideas and throws in some anecdotes of his own to illustrate his points.

It's a quick read, and as with any self-help book, if you can take away one good idea, then it's worth the read.

This is worth the read.


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