Saturday, January 31, 2009

Dook dook dook!

Hello dear friends.  It's been ages.  Let's rock this shit.

Maakies is a crazy-ass weekly comic strip that chronicles the adventures of Drinky Crow and Uncle Gabby, a sort of refined monkey-fellow.  They get blotto, kill things, and hurt themselves.  Sounds like me on New Years.  Yeergh.

This book is compendium of this fantastically freaky shit.

I work with children all day long.  They make me laugh and are adorable.  Then I go home and read Maakies and my mind twists in devilish ways.  Like what if a baby pooped out a treasure map that leads to a vast reserve of bonded bourbon?  Or what if that stuffed animal was alive and slowly digesting a beautiful mermaid deep within its stomach.  I can hear her screams now...thanks to Maakies.

I have to say I haven't been myself these past few months.  It's nice to know that when shit gets weird and sad, Maakies will undoubtedly be weirder and sadder and sillier.  Here's to drunken birds and sailing ships!!!

Dook dook dook 

1 comment:

Reggie said...

Reading Zeke's posts always serve as proof that he leads an admirably far more bizarre life than I.