Monday, July 20, 2009

"Black Swan Green" by David Mitchell or "I'M NOT ALONE IN THE UNIVERSE!"

Again, this book has already been deftly reviewed by several posters, so I won't waste your time with a review. What I will waste your time with is this:
Why is it that, even in a book where the central action revolves around what a dweeb the main character is, his cool british lexicon makes him automatically so very much cooler than I am?
Much like I said earlier about White Noise, and possibly even more so, this book is comforting (and humbling?) because it lets me know that I am not alone in the world.
Favorite Quote: "The phone rang and she didn't answer it. My parents would run into a burning asbestos mine if the thought they heard a phone ringing for them in there." LOVED IT. 9/10

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